Tornevall Networks
Tornevall Networks is a non-profit non-organization - meaning, this site delivers private projects in the form of open source. But instead of creating applications private only, they are created to work for others too.
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This is where everything happens - if you need to configure an API, this is where you do this. You are reading this page, since you have not chosen to do anything, yet. Do you find this interesting and want to contribute? Click the link below to get some useful links!
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This site is not owned by any company or organization. Our finances are actually zero and the site is handled privately on spare time - and time is something we do not have much of. Would you like to give us financial support, by donations? You can do this here!
Initialize survivalTornevall Networks Authentication Service
Take control over your flow
Latest Posts
Sorry, we went offline!
During the yesterday evening, a server silently rebooted and ran into a corrupted InnoDB database. This was dicovered today ( is updated) and the database server was completely restored around 15:00-16:00 CET. Bitbucket, Confluence and JIRA was unaffected by the disruption.
What happened since spamassassin?
Since the spamassassin configurator went online, our DNS editor has been published and it is currently working great. DNS The most common address pointers works as they should and we’ve changed the way that live updates goes to our DNS cluster, so most updates are live as of 600 seconds that is our primary TTL […]
SpamAssassin configurator is online
Do you use a hosted e-mail address at Tornevall Networks? Then, a spamfilter configuration interface for SpamAssassin has just been brought online! The layout is responsive and easy to handle. Example screen dump below: To use this configurator you need to register yourself at TorneAUTH with a mail address hosted by Tornevall Networks. When you […]
TorneAUTH v4.0.0 just released
Yes, it is true. This is (at least for me) a groundbreaking change since everything will be easier to handle from now. The new portal is underway, but needs to be tested before the content at will change its look. But we’re near and that also means that DNSBL 5.0.3 will be available, with […]
There are a lot of widgets bundled with Page Builder. You can use them to bring your pages to life.